Shake Junt Grip Tape
Shake Junt Grip Tape
{% if products.length > 1 %}{{ products.length }} results{% endif %}
- Shake Junt Lo Key Sprayed Grip tape - Black
- Shake Junt Sprayed Grip tape - Black
- Shake Junt Black Onyx Grip tape - Black
- Shake Junt Die-Cut Grip tape - Black
- Shake Junt Clear Grip tape - Clear
- Shake Junt Sprayed Grip tape - Pink/Black
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Here at CCS, we’re big fans of everything Shake Junt does, especially Shake Junt grip tape. It’s durable, doesn’t peel off, and Shake Junt graphic grip allows you to show love for Shake Junt. Coupled with the right pair of skate shoes, grip tape helps ensure that you stay on your board and that you get the proper amount of flick. CCS is happy to offer the best collection of Shake Junt grip tape around, with styles that are designed and used by your favorite professional skaters.
This grip tape is an upgrade compared to your standard black grip, not only in terms of performance, but also design. Skate the same graphic grip as Reynolds, Spanky, Jamie Foy, and the rest of the Shake Junt Crew. Each strip of grip tape by Shake Junt is tested and approved by the Shake Junt team, so you know it’s legit. Make sure to explore our entire selection of skateboard grip tape at CCS to find tons of solid-colored and graphic grip tape that gives your board a whole new look and feel.