{% if products.length > 1 %}{{ products.length }} results{% endif %}
- RVCA Balance Banner Crew Sweatshirt - Army Blue
- RVCA Redondo Shirt - Duck Blue
- RVCA Atlas Elastic Board Shorts - Pale Mauve
- RVCA Claymation T-Shirt - Black
- RVCA Luke Still Life T-Shirt - Antique White
- RVCA Palm Set T-Shirt - Smoke
- RVCA Live On T-Shirt - Jade
- RVCA Va Pigment Board Shorts - Black
- RVCA Luke P Elastic Board Shorts - Light Blue
- RVCA Big 2023 Pants - Black
- RVCA Packable Puffa Jacket - Army
- RVCA Day Shift Solid Shirt - Camel
- RVCA That'll Do Stretch Long Sleeve Shirt - Pavement
- RVCA Freeman Cord Print Long Sleeve Shirt - College Green
- RVCA Thatll Work Flannel Long Sleeve Shirt - Sunflower
- RVCA Dayshift Beanie - Grey Heather
- RVCA Yoyogi Seersucker Shirt - Black
- RVCA Va Atw Curved Brim Trucker Hat - Camo
- RVCA Twill Snapback II Hat - Black/Charcoal
- RVCA Va Patch Snapback Hat - Black
- RVCA Yogger II Jacket - Black
- RVCA Ptc Pigment Long Sleeve T-Shirt - Pirate Black
- RVCA Newland Trucker Hat - Black
- RVCA Rvca Daypack Backpack - Black
- RVCA Rvca Daypack Backpack - Olive
- RVCA Skate IV Duffle Bag - New Black
- RVCA Americana Dayshift Denim Jeans - Black Rinse
- RVCA Vacancy Shirt - Surplus
- RVCA The Weekend Stretch Pants - New Smoke
- RVCA Weekend Stretch Shorts - New Black
- RVCA Weekend Stretch Shorts - New Dark Khaki
- RVCA Americana Elastic Yd Shorts - Black
- RVCA Va Pigment Board Shorts - Black/White
- RVCA Anytime Board Shorts - Olive
- RVCA Palms Down Shirt - Balsam Green
- RVCA Anytime Shirt - Pirate Black
- RVCA Nectar Shirt - Natural
- RVCA Pennantan T-Shirt - Pale Mauve
- RVCA Displaced Board Shorts - Moody Blue
- RVCA Endless Seersucker Shirt - Gold
- RVCA Wasted Palms Shirt - Natural
- RVCA Thatll Do Stretch Long Sleeve Shirt - White 2
- RVCA Micro Garden Shirt - Pale Mauve
- RVCA Frame Chambray Shirt - Washed Indigo
- RVCA Thatll Do Stretch Shirt - Pavement 2
- RVCA Thatll Do Stretch Shirt - Oxford Blue 2
- RVCA Thatll Do Stretch Shirt - Green Haze 2
- RVCA Thatll Do Stretch Shirt - Navy Marine 2
- RVCA Luke P Shirt - Light Blue
- RVCA Luke P Shirt - Multi
- RVCA Jbs Shirt - Vintage Gold
- RVCA Satellite Stripe Shirt - Antique White
- RVCA Vacancy II Shirt - Natural
- RVCA All Time Hemp Hybrid Shorts - Tiger Camo
- RVCA Apex 2 Board Shorts - Moody Blue
- RVCA Curren Board Shorts - Olive Dits
- RVCA Oblow Tapa Board Shorts - Black
- RVCA Magnolia Crew Shirt - Vintage Gold
- RVCA Thatll Do Print Shirt - Vintage Gold
- RVCA Thatll Do Print Shirt - Vintage White
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{%- if variant -%}variant: {{ variant.id | json }},{%- endif -%}
title: `{{ p_title }}`
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{%- capture member_active_text -%}CCS+ Exclusive through {{ date }}{%- endcapture -%}
{%- capture coming_soon_text -%}CCS+ Exclusive starting {{ date }}{%- endcapture -%}
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{{ year }}
{{ date }}
{{ member_text }}
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{{ badge.collection_badge }}
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{%- assign option_value_data = option_values | first -%}
{%- else -%}
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{%- assign option_value_data = option_values | first | append: ' - ' | append: option_values_last -%}
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{{- option_value_data -}}
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{{ vendor_tag }}
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{{ before_text }}
{{ product.price | money }}
{{ product.compare_price | money }}
{%- else -%}
{{ product.price | money }}
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{%- if discount_amount > 10 -%}
{{ discount_text | replace: '\[discount\]', discount_amount }}
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({{ product.reviews.count }})
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Loading Products
Founder and Creative Director of RVCA (pronounced Ru-Kah), Pat Tenore, set out to build an nontraditional action sports apparel brand. Unlike many of the apparel companies on CCS, RVCA is not just a skateboard brand. Is not just one of anything. It only takes a minute or so on the RVCA page for you to realize, RVCA’s got a lot to offer. Be it surfing, skating, amazing artist collaborations through its Artist Network Program, MMA & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighters, Women’s and Men’s lifestyle apparel, and ridiculously high-end video and media coverage - RVCA’s got it all.
Founded in 2001, RVCA owners Pat Tenore and Conan Hayes quickly set the foundation for a brand destined to go well beyond what was expected from an apparel company. By combining art, music, fashion, and a modern lifestyle, RVCA created a brand people wanted to be associated with. RVCA pants are some of the most popular in surf and skate communities and not just because they’re stylish and comfortable. Tenore and Hayes were onto something that many marketers have known for years: customers don’t mind having a brand label on their clothes, just as long as the brand is doing things that reflect their views and interests.
By becoming a mirror, a glassy ocean’s surface, of its customer’s lifestyle or what its customer aspires to be, RVCA became the logo every skateboarder wanted on their shirt. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that RVCA t-shirts more often than not feature incredible artwork thanks to its Artist’s Network Program and RVCA’s involvement with art galleries such as KNOWN Gallery in Los Angeles, and the Luggage Store Gallery in San Francisco. That helps, a lot.
RVCA’s ability to build a brand known for its respect for skating, music, surfing, and art and its dedication to contributing to these communities in a positive way attracted the attention of Billabong. In 2010, Billabong International Limited bought RVCA.
RVCA’s surf team is full of big names like Makua Rothman and Bruce Irons, while its skate team boasts names like Curren Caples, Greyson Fletcher, and Kevin "Spanky" Long. Its artist program (ANP) has featured artists such as Ed Templeton and Barry McGee. BJ Penn is RVCA’s resident MMA star, which we can say with confidence is more than 99% of the apparel brands on CCS have.
Whether it’s surfing, skating, art, martial arts or just chilling with the homies, it’s going to be difficult to find someone who has something bad to say about a RVCA hat or RVCA in general.