Osiris Shoes
{% if products.length > 1 %}{{ products.length }} results{% endif %}
- Osiris Nyc 83 Clk Shoes - Black/Grey/White
- Osiris D3 Og Shoes - Black/Black/Gum
- Osiris D3 Og Shoes - Black/Black/Black
- Osiris D3 2001 Shoes - Copperhead/Sand/Tan
- Osiris D3 2001 Shoes - Black/Gum
- Osiris D3 2001 Shoes - Black/Black/Black
- Osiris D3 OG Shoes - Blue/Grey/Black
- Osiris D3 2001 Shoes - Grey/Purple/Yellow
- Osiris Nyc 83 Clk Shoes - Red/Black/Black
- Osiris Clone Shoes - Black/Black/White
- Osiris Clone Shoes - White/Black/Red
- Osiris D3 Og Shoes - Grey/Grey/Maroon
- Osiris D3 Og Shoes - White/Gum
- Osiris D3 Og Shoes - Navy/Navy/Black
- Osiris D3 Og Shoes - Tan/Workwear/Black
- Osiris D3 Og Shoes - Black/White/Red
- Osiris D3 Og Shoes - Tan/Tan/Black
- Osiris D3 2001 Shoes - Grey/Black/Grey
- Osiris D3 2001 Shoes - Grey/Blue/Black
- Osiris D3 2001 Shoes - Cadet Blue/Yellow
- Osiris D3 2001 Shoes - Olive/White
- Osiris D3 2001 Shoes - Black/Light Grey/Red
- Osiris D3 2001 Shoes - Black/Orange/Black
- Osiris Nyc 83 Clk Shoes - White/Black
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{%- capture member_active_text -%}CCS+ Exclusive through {{ date }}{%- endcapture -%}
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{{ product.price | money }}
{{ product.compare_price | money }}
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{{ product.price | money }}
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{{ discount_text | replace: '\[discount\]', discount_amount }}
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({{ product.reviews.count }})
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Loading Products
Osiris Shoes, named for the Egyptian god of the underworld, emerged from the skateboarding underground in 1996 with one mission: to create quality skateboarding footwear that was both high performing and fashion forward. Founded by Tony Magnusson and a small team in Carlsbad, California, Osiris has produced performance action sports shoes for almost 20 years, receiving attention in both the skateboarding and street wear communities.
Osiris Shoes gained significant notoriety when they released their video "The Storm" in 1999. "The Storm" featured the skating of the then Osiris pro team consisting of late 90’s heavy hitters Peter Smolik, Brandon Turner, Tyrone Olson, Chad Knight, Josh Kasper, and Dave Mayhew.
In 2001 Osiris released the D3. Designed by team rider Dave Mayhew, the Osiris D3 was a huge success in the skateboarding world. Featuring extremely cushy sidewalls, tongue, and sole, the shoe was a tank. This durable construction was ideal for the skateboarding style of the time: huge ollies down big drops and stair sets.
Since Osiris’ initial success in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, they have remained true to their initial goal, producing eye-catching footwear constructed to uphold under the abuse of skateboarders and other action sports enthusiasts.