Lakai Shoes
{% if products.length > 1 %}{{ products.length }} results{% endif %}
- Lakai York Shoes - Black/White Suede
- Lakai York Shoes - Navy/Gum Suede
- Lakai Atlantic Shoes - Black Suede/Black
- Lakai Atlantic Shoes - Burgundy/Gum Suede
- Lakai Youth Griffin Shoes - Black Canvas
- Lakai Youth Griffin Shoes - Chocolate Suede
- Lakai x Poler Owen Slipper Shoes - Furry Camo
- Lakai x Poler Evo 2.0 Trail Shoes - Black Nubuck
- Lakai Ludlow Shoes - Black/Reflective Suede
- Lakai Ludlow Shoes - Walnut/Gum Suede
- Lakai Wilkins Shoes - White Canvas
- Lakai Wilkins Shoes - Black Suede
- Lakai Cambridge Shoes - Black/Camo Suede
- Lakai Telford Low Shoes - Green Suede
- Lakai Newport 2024 Shoes - Black Suede
- Lakai Youth Cambridge Shoes - Black/Gum Suede
- Lakai Evo 2.0 Shoes - Mint Suede
- Lakai Essex Shoes - Light Blue Suede
- Lakai Essex Shoes - Tan Suede
- Lakai Telford Mid Shoes - White/Gum Suede
- Lakai Telford Mid Shoes - Black Suede
- Lakai Manchester Shoes - Walnut
- Lakai Terrace Shoes - White/Navy Suede
- Lakai Atlantic Vulc Shoes - Charcoal/Tan Suede
- Lakai Terrace Shoes - Black Suede
- Lakai Riley 3 High Shoes - Suede Black
- Lakai Cardiff Shoes - Black/White Suede
- Lakai Essex Shoes - Black Suede
- Lakai Owen Vulc Shoes - Black Suede
- Lakai Manchester Shoes - Black
- Lakai Griffin Shoes - Black
- Lakai Cambridge Shoes - Black/White Suede
- Lakai Cambridge Shoes - Black/Gum Suede
- Lakai Griffin Shoes - Olive Suede
- Lakai Griffin Shoes - Chocolate Suede
- Lakai Flaco II Shoes - Black Suede/Black Suede
- Lakai Flaco II Shoes - Tan Suede
- Lakai Manchester Shoes - Charcoal Suede
- Lakai Manchester Shoes - White/White Leather
- Lakai Telford Low Shoes - Chocolate/White Suede
- Lakai Telford Low Shoes - Black Suede/Grey Suede
- Lakai Telford Low Shoes - Light Blue Suede
- Lakai Wilkins Shoes - White Suede
- Lakai Wilkins Shoes - Green Suede
- Lakai Cambridge Shoes - White/White Leather
- Lakai Cambridge Shoes - Black/Multi Suede
- Lakai Essex Shoes - Black/Gum Suede
- Lakai Essex Shoes - Navy
- Lakai Riley 3 High Shoes - Chocolate/Gum Suede
- Lakai Riley 3 High Shoes - Grey Suede
- Lakai Terrace Shoes - White/Burgundy Leather
- Lakai Terrace Shoes - Black/Walnut Suede
- Lakai Newport Shoes - Burgundy Suede
- Lakai York Shoes - White/Red Suede
- Lakai Cambridge Shoes - Black Canvas
- Lakai Cambridge Shoes - Red/Burgundy Suede
- Lakai x Public Enemy Owen Slipper Shoes - Black
- Lakai x Public Enemy Telford Low Shoes - Black/Charcoal Suede
- Lakai x Public Enemy Owen Vulc Shoes - Black/Red Suede
- Lakai x Public Enemy Cambridge Shoes - Black/Red Suede
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{%- capture member_active_text -%}CCS+ Exclusive through {{ date }}{%- endcapture -%}
{%- capture coming_soon_text -%}CCS+ Exclusive starting {{ date }}{%- endcapture -%}
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{{ year }}
{{ date }}
{{ member_text }}
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{{ badge.collection_badge }}
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{%- if == 'Title' %}{%- continue -%}{%- endif -%}
{%- unless siblingRange[product.type] contains -%}{%- continue -%}{%- endunless -%}
{%- if option.values.size == 0 -%}{%- continue -%}{%- endif -%}
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{%- if option.values.size == 1 -%}
{%- assign option_value_data = option_values | first -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- assign option_values_last = option_values | last -%}
{%- assign option_value_data = option_values | first | append: ' - ' | append: option_values_last -%}
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{{- option_value_data -}}
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{% if vendor_tag != blank %}
{{ vendor_tag }}
{% endif %}{{ productTitle }}
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{%- if compare_min < compare_max -%}
{%- assign before_text = 'From ' -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if product.compare_price > product.price and discount_amount > 10 -%}
{{ before_text }}
{{ product.price | money }}
{{ product.compare_price | money }}
{%- else -%}
{{ product.price | money }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if discount_amount > 10 -%}
{{ discount_text | replace: '\[discount\]', discount_amount }}
{%- endif -%}
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Loading Products
The performance footwear manufacturer, Lakai Limited Footwear, has deep skateboarding roots. The company with the motto “The Shoes We Skate” was founded in 1999 by two of the biggest names in skateboarding, Mike Carroll and Rick Howard. And the brand, which now also includes apparel and accessories, is associated with a genuine respect for and dedication to the skateboarding community. They are also known for a commitment to quality.
Lakai Skate Shoes – comfortable, durable, and long lasting – are known for their materials, aesthetic, feel, and construction. In addition to footwear, Lakai also offers sweatshirts, tees, hats, and accessories.