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Brazilian artist and skateboarder, Vitória Bortolo, asks you to jump into and customize within her world with her fictional band, Joanete and The Frieiras. Come on let’s go.

Vitoria Bortolo CCSPhotos by Allan Carvalho

CCS: Where do you live Vitória?

Vitória: Barretos, Brazil.

How close to São Paulo are you and and do you have a favorite city to visit in Brazil?

I was born and raised in Barretos a far away city in the countryside of São Paulo, Brazil. While my dear people and precious memories are there… My guitar, work, favorite clothes and stuff are here on the 11th floor of a building in downtown São Paulo, my current place. My skateboard is what took me to São Paulo. In the last few years, skateboarding has driven all the big decisions in my life. In São Paulo I was close to everything I've ever seen from afar. ingit to know all of my favorite skaters, the same skater-girl who was on the poster in my room in Barretos when I was a child became a friend. I receive all these new things with great affection.

Does anyone remember the place Rodrigo Teixeira showed the world in 411 vol. 41? ''Vale do Anhangabaú''? It was different in the 00's but it never stopped being a home to skateboarder's. I'm just a few pushes from there (and other classics spots for people like us). So, not bad for a cowgirl, right? Haha.

Barretos is my sweet home and São Paulo is my adventure.

Outside of Brazil where would you like your next travel destination to be?

I don't know anything but Latin America. So, in my best dreams I want to discover Europe. I don't even need to say it will be a skate-trip right?

Vitoria Bortolo Brazil

Favorite Brazilian skateboarder?

One day I learned that skateboarding is not just about tricks. So I became a fan of my friends.

I'm glad to be able to mention some of them who, in addition to personality and character, also have terrific tricks. So, Vitória Mendonça, Alison Rosendo, Atali Mendes, Pipa Souza, Felipe Oliveira, Davi Theobaldo, Murilo Romão… You guys owe me a beer after this beautiful thing I wrote about you here haha.

Favorite or most influential Brazilian artist for you?

Art converges a lot and I have a loooong list of them, who do or have done things that I identify with. This extends from Teresinha Soares to Flavio de Carvalho, who are two giants that I love.

Melissa Baltazar, Fabiano Rodrigues, Midi, Izzy Bertrand and my dad and grandma are artists close to me that I appreciate with the same strength.

Tell us about you new board sponsor?

Everything that involves Perfume, my new board sponsor, is deep and I love it. If a clock appears somewhere it has to show the right time. Fabiano, like my other bosses, has a lot of sensibility in all his creations (I think I’m lucky with this, haha).
And my teammates, Davi, Feijas and Jhonny complete me! Love you boys!

Vitoria Bortolo artist

Have a favorite musician?

Of course I also have a huge list of favorite musicians. Jesus and Mary Chain, Cowboy Junkies, Smashing Pumpkins and Sonic Youth and you can imagine my mood right? I've also been listening to the skateboard folks. Cher Strawberry, Austyn Gillette… You rock!

And hey readers, don’t forget to enjoy Brazilian music one of these days.. Os Mutantes and Secos e Molhados are good choices.

Are you self taught or did you go to school to learn how to animate and use the computer for digital graphic production?

A few years ago I finished college in advertising. At the same time, I was intern at an agency where my bosses gave us the most crazy ideas from clients and it was left up to me to make these happen. The practice was really born there. In that little place, I learned a lot, including how to drink coffee without sugar.

Food, have a favorite?

My mom is a cook so… All my favorites come from her pots. Anything with a super hot sauce also catches my mouth.

How long did you film for the Converse Brazil film Veredas?

Even though I started recording a while later, our superhero Guilherme Guimarães has been working hard on this project since 2018, keeping the flame lit. We all know it worked out because there was so much love involved. It's special for me to be involved in such a big thing like this. Converse works like a catapult for me and I'm very grateful to have the opportunity to encourage some girl who is coming, as well as those who came before and opened doors and minds.

Victoria Bortolo skate

Thanks for taking the time to answer some questions and for being part of the Customs X First Thursdays project. Have any parting comments, thoughts, upcoming projects to keep a lookout for, requests?

I'm the one who should thank you for trusting me. I hope you enjoyed my work and consequently what I am. JOANETE AND THE FRIEIRAS is an old and precious imagination I have. Being able to see it all happening, and even better, holding a piece of good wood with them staring at me is priceless! Thank You!

Now it's your turn to shape the adventures of Joanete and the Frieiras, the world's hated band (as created by Vitória, the world's most beloved person), with fully customizable decks, grip, and apparel. Vitória created band portraits, patterns, and an alphabet for you to get creative with. Get rocking with Customs X right now and then make sure to follow Vitória on IG.

CCS Customized Skateboard

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